Selasa, 30 Desember 2008
1 org purchasing dengan syarat
- S1 or D3 Ekonomi/Acconting
- fresh graduate or dengan pengalaman (adv)
- mampu mengoperasikan Micr.Office
- wanita
1 org site engineer dengan syarat
- S1 / D3 T.Sipil
- fresh graduate or dengan pengalaman (adv)
- autocad / office
- pria
CV dikirimkan melalui email
Attn : Bpk Surya (HRD Manager PT INTI INDAH)
email :
Jumat, 26 Desember 2008
Fresh Graduate yg lagi cari kerja (jakpus)
- Sales/Marketing
- Accounting
- Drafter (AUTOCAD)
- IT
- Purchasing
Bertempat di Jakarta Pusat.
Segera kirimkan lamaran anda ke
Untuk mendukung tujuan kami sebagai pemain global Asia Tenggara pada 2012, kami mengundang Anda yang berkualitas tinggi, berbakat dan profesional
untuk menempati posisi-posisi sebagai berikut :
Menyusun konsep dan ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan pengaturan hubungan perusahaan dengan karyawan dan melakukan proses legalisasi ke instansi terkait
dan menangani kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan hubungan industrial.
- Usia maks. 27 tahun
- Lulusan S1 Fakultas Hukum
- Freshgraduate atau dengan pengalaman 1-2 tahun di corporate legal atau di law firm
Menyusun dan mengembangkan sistem yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan manajemen dan organisasi antara lain : disain organisasi, analisa jabatan,
evaluasi jabatan, performance appraisal, assessment, talent management serta memastikan penerapan sistem-sistem yang terkait dengan pengembangan
manajemen dan organisasi di unit-unit usaha.
- Usia maks. 30 tahun
- Lulusan S2 Psikologi (Master Psikologi) atau Profesi Psikolog
- Mempunyai pengalaman min.1 tahun di bidang HR
- Menguasai alat tes psikologi dan proses assessment
Melakukan proses training yaitu menyusun modul/silabus, mengatur acara training, menjadi fasilitator serta observer dalam pelaksanaan training
- Usia maks. 27 tahun
- Lulusan S1/S2 Psikologi/Managemen dengan pengalaman min.1 tahun
- di bidang training dan punya minat khusus terhadap training
- Memiliki kemampuan presentasi yang baik, serta mampu menyusun modul training
Membuat aplikasi /program yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan baik yang terkait dengan ERP maupun non-ERP
- S1 Sistem Informasi/ Teknik Informatika, IPK min 3,00, usia max. 27 tahun
- Fresh graduate atau sudah berpengalaman kerja di bidang IT
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
- Menguasai pemrograman berbasis Web, Client / Server
- Menguasai sistem dan pemrograman database SQL (MSSQL, Oracle)
- Memahami IT Project Management, Software Development Life Cycle
- Memahami flow bisnis, akuntansi dan konsep ERP
- Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan dalam tim, memiliki motivasi tinggi, inisiatif dan tanggung jawab
Menganalisa kebutuhan perusahaan/pengguna serta membuat cetak biru tentang aplikasi atau program yang hendak dirancang
- S1 Sistem Informasi/ Teknik Informatika, IPK min 3,00, usia max. 27 tahun
- Fresh graduate atau sudah berpengalaman kerja di bidang IT
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
- Menguasai pemrograman berbasis Web, Client / Server
- Menguasai sistem dan pemrograman database SQL (MSSQL, Oracle)
- Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan dalam tim, memiliki motivasi tinggi, inisiatif dan tanggung jawab
Menangani kebutuhan pengguna yang terkait dengan troubleshooting serta membuat program-program sederhana untuk mendukung sistem utama (ERP)
- Min. D3 Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Informatika, IPK min. 2,75, fresh graduate, usia max 25 tahun
- Menguasai bahasa pemrograman dan database SQL
- Menguasai dasar-dasar teknologi jaringan komputer
- Memilki wawasan proses bisnis dan pengetahuan teknologi komputer
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bersikap professional
- Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan dalam tim, memiliki motivasi tinggi, inisiatif dan tanggung jawab
Melaksanakan tugas-tugas administrasi, mengelola aktivitas kantor serta membantu pelaksanaan program/kegiatan
- S1 semua jurusan, usia max. 27 tahun
- Memiliki ketrampilan dalam manajemen waktu, kemampuan administratif serta kemampuan interpersonal
- Memiliki ketrampilan berbahasa Inggris merupakan suatu nilai tambah
Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda melalui pos atau email
(cantumkan kode lowongan pada amplop atau subjek)
disertai CV lengkap, pasfoto berwarna, fotokopi transkrip
dan no telepon yang dapat dihubungi
paling lambat 14 Januari 2009 kepada :
Email : (file max. 300 KB)
(pada subjek hanya dituliskan kode jabatan)
MD For West jakarta Area
Pls be informed that one of garment trading on west jakarta (Cengkareng)
If you interest, pls send your resume with CV,picture and expected salary to : sansanlie@yahoo.
Penny for Mr Sansan
Daehan Global need Senior MD (Gap & US Buyer)
are looking for new staffs for position :
Senior Merchandiser (3 person).Cibinong.
- smart, minimum diploma degree.
- fluent in english both apoken and written.
- can do garment costing and price quotation.
- can communicate directly with overseas buyers (Gap India and USA buyers)
- can work and handle order independently.
- experience more than 6 years preferably in wo ven pants/jacket.
- for candidates who have experience in buying agent, trading or buying
office are most welcome.
Interested parties,Please send your application + photo by email to
PT.Daehan Global
(021) 8753626
Freelance Designer Needed
can understand market, do research and development for new designs and
ideas. prefer those who have their own design and sampling unit to
covert ideas in samples. remuneration will be subjected to selections
Pls contact: Manish@ptames.
ph: 62-21-5723753
1. Inventory Analyst Assistant Manager (IA) 1 orang.
2. Fashion Market Analyst (FMA) 3 orang.
Dengan persyaratan :
1. D3 / S1 Marketing / Fashion Designer (FMA) dan Manajemen Informatika (IA).
2. Pengalaman di bidang fashion retail / garment minimal 1 tahun (FMA) dan 2 tahun (IA).
3. Menguasai program SQL (IA).
4. Menguasai MS Office (FMA/IA).
5. Menguasai Communication Skill & Human Relationship Skill.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor Jawa Barat.
7. Bersedia tugas keluar kota dan luar negeri.
Bagi peminat serius silahkan kirim CV ke email adib@garment.
Lowongan ini akan ditutup Januari 15 / 2009
Minggu, 07 Desember 2008
Lowongan (Accounting & Adm) - Wanita/D3/Komputer/Not Married
kami perusahaan diBidang Departemen store membutuhkan :
- Bagian Accounting
wanita single , D3 Accounting, belum menikah, keturunan Tionghoa,
bisa komputer.
- Bagian Administrasi
wanita single, D3, bisa komputer, belum menikah
yang berminat bisa hubungi : lience_delta@
terima kasih |
Lowongan Receptionist (Min SMU,Max 25 th , Kuningan)
- pria/wanita
- pendidikan minimal smu sederajad
- usia max 25 th
- mempunyai tata bahasa yang baik dan sopan
- bahasa inggris pasif
- komputer ( word dan excel )
- diutamakan yang berpengalaman sebagai receptionist selama 1th
lamaran dikirim ke
PT.Dwi Tunggal Putra d/a Gd.Cyber Lt.9
Jl.Kuningan Barat no.8 jakarta 12710 atau ke PO BOX 4471 JKTM 12710
Jumat, 05 Desember 2008
Binus Campus Hiring - HP (fresh graduate welcome)
Campus Hiring - Hewlett packard

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Indonesia & its Business Partners are inviting university fresh graduates to participate in Fresh Graduate Development Program (FGDP).
This program will commence in December'08, and will run for full 6-months. The requirements are as follows:
- Diploma/Bachelor's Degree in Computing, Electric
Engineering or similar subject related degree.
- Has graduated from the university with GPA min 3.00.
- Strong interest in IT-related things.
- Strong commitment to accomplish FGDP for 6-months period.
- Ability to communicate complex technical contents plainly
and simply.
- Ability to prioritize and perform multiple tasks.
- Ability to work proactively and creatively.
- Flexible, self motivated with the ability to work under
pressure in an international and culturally diverse
• Good leadership and communication skills in English is
December 10 th , 2008
Please wear Professional Dress Code
Campus Hiring Will be held on:
Day : Friday, December 12 th , 2008
Time : 09.00 Finish
Place : R 709 - Anggrek Campus Binus University
This program will commence in December'08, and will run for full 6-months. The requirements are as follows: - Diploma/Bachelor's Degree in Computing, Electric Engineering or similar subject related degree. - Has graduated from the university with GPA min 3.00. - Strong interest in IT-related things. - Strong commitment to accomplish FGDP for 6-months period. - Ability to communicate complex technical contents plainly and simply. - Ability to prioritize and perform multiple tasks. - Ability to work proactively and creatively. - Flexible, self motivated with the ability to work under pressure in an international and culturally diverse organization. • Good leadership and communication skills in English is preferred. |
Campus Hiring Will be held on:
Day : Friday, December 12 th , 2008 Time : 09.00 Finish Place : R 709 - Anggrek Campus Binus University |
Binus Campus Hiring Part 1
We are an established chemicals distribution company is seeking suitable candidates to fill in the position as :
• Male/female, max 35 years old
• S1 degree in Civil/ Industrial Engineering
• To promote and sell chemicals/machinery to industries (paints/adhesives/building & construction/paper)
• English profiency and computer literate
If you think you are the one we are looking for, please send a comprehensive resume (including photo attachment) typed in English, before December 19 th , 2008 to Customer Service BINUS CAREER. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Please wear Professional Dress Code
Campus Hiring will be held on: Day : Friday, December 19 th , 2008
Time : 09.00 Finish
Place : M2C, Syahdan Campus
Univ Bina Nusantara
For further information please contact :
BINUS CAREER Customer Service
Anggrek Campus
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27, Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11530
Telp: 021-5345830 ext 1107
• Male/female, max 35 years old |
Day : Friday, December 19 th , 2008 |
BINUS CAREER Customer Service
Anggrek Campus
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27, Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11530
Telp: 021-5345830 ext 1107
Puri Artha need Fulltime/Parttime Junior architect / drafter *proyek*
Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur furniture membutuhkan tenaga berpengalaman untuk posisi :
Fulltime / Parttime Junior Architect / drafter (proyek)
Persyaratan :
· Menguasai aplikasi :
o 3D max
o Autocad
o Adobe Photoshop
o Adobe Illustrator / Corel Draw
· Pengalaman menggunakan aplikasi diatas min. 2 tahun
· Memiliki portfolio lebih diutamakan
Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat silakan menghubungi / mengirim lamaran ke :
PT. Puriartha Artistika Jati Indonesia
Jl. Kemang Selatan VIII No. 28, Kemang
Jakarta Selatan 12730 - Indonesia
Tel (+62-21) 7195320 att. Bpk petrus
Fax (+62-21) 7195322
Email :
Jumat, 28 November 2008
Lowongan (Accounting & Adm) - Wanita/D3/Komputer/Not Married
kami perusahaan diBidang Departemen store membutuhkan :
- Bagian Accounting
wanita single , D3 Accounting, belum menikah, keturunan Tionghoa,
bisa komputer.
- Bagian Administrasi
wanita single, D3, bisa komputer, belum menikah
yang berminat bisa hubungi : lience_delta@
terima kasih |
Selasa, 25 November 2008
Lowker Technical Washing
Loker for Technical Washing
Hi Friends,Untuk memperkuat QA team, saat ini kami membutuhkan 1 orang technical
washing untuk garment factory di Cibinong, dng persyaratan :
1. Berpengalaman dalam washing / laundry for garment at least 3 years.
2. Mengerti technical dan chemical for laundry.
3. Dapat memberikan technical advice mengenai proses laundry agar sesuai
dng approval samples.
Silakan kirim CV anda ke : banjar@daehan.
Tks & Rgds,
PT. Daehan Global
QC Needed (Garment,Female,Age Max25,3yrs Exp)
We are PT. LAXMIRANI MITRA GARMINDO, looking for QC which will responsible to take care of some CMT, with the following requirements :
1. Female
2. Age max. 35 years old
3. Must have experience in the same field at least 3 years for buyer USA
Pls submit Application and CV with expected salary to
Needed HRM Manager/ Accounting & Tax /Design Graphic
need of candidates in the positions of:
Human Resources Manager
• Male/Female, Age max 40 years old
• At least 3 years experience in Human Resources Management
• Min S1 Psychology /Management Resources
• Having strong competencies of people orientation, leadership skills
and strong understandable of Behavioral Competencies Base
• Excellent computer literate (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet)
• Command verbal and written communication skills in English
• Having good communication and interpersonal skill
• Christian
Accounting & Tax
• Female, Single, max 35 years old
• S1 in Economic majoring in Accounting
• At least 3 year experience in similar position
• Familiar with taxation, Accounting Standard Procedures in Indonesia
• Command in English
• Accurate in numbers, good motivation, proactive
• Christian
Design Graphic
• Male/Female, single, max 30 years old
• Degree in Graphic Design
• Able to operate Photoshop, illustrator, Freehand and Corel Draw
• Have experience in graphic design in advertising, publishing Area
is an advantage
• Creative and innovative
• Christian
If you meet above requirement, please send your comprehensively CV,
recent photo, others document, including your expected salary to:
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed
candidates will be notified.
Kamis, 13 November 2008
Seketaris Urgently Required (Cengkareng Area Min D1)
->Minimum D1 graduate
->Fluent in English
->Smart, Well-organized, initiative, independent, creative and self-motivated
->Prefer Domicile at Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat
PT. Putra Dumas Lestari
Jl. Lingkar Luar Barat No. 23 H-I Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat
Tlp : (021) 5444 393 Fax : (021) 5444 191
Email :
id Attn : Mery
Accounting & Staff (Cilengsi Bogor & Jakpus min D3)
lokasi di Jakarta Pusat dan di Cileungsi Bogor.
Untuk mengimbangi perkembangan Perusahaan yang cukup pesat maka kami
membutuhkan dengan segera :
1 Orang Accounting (A)
1 orang Staff Accounting (B)
Syarat-syarat yang dibutuhkan :
Pria / Wanita (A&B)
Minimal D-3 (A)
Pengalaman tidak mutlak – mau belajar & berusaha (A&B)
Lulusan SMA/SMEA (B)
Mengetik dengan lancar (B)
Kristen telah lahir baru , taat Firman Tuhan ( A & B)
Teliti, tekun, jujur, bertanggung jawab (A&B)
Bisa menggunakan Microsoft Excell / Words (A & B)
Bisa bekerja sebagai team (A&B)
Menyukai bekerja dengan angka/data/di belakang meja (A&B)
Apabila berminat harap kirimkan Lamaran, CV, foto terbaru ke alamat
email Karjanto70@Yahoo.
Hana Bankers Development Program (HBDP)
Hana Bankers Development Program (HBDP)
Hana Financial Group Inc. is a South Korean holding company whose flagship subsidiary is HANA BANK, the third largest bank by asset value in South Korea and was established in 1971.
Hana Bank is one of biggest Bank in the world now presents in Indonesia thru its subsidiary PT. Bank Hana needs best 30 candidates to be developed as Hana Bankers Officer who will be the future leaders in HANA BANK.
Requirement :
• S1 or S2 from any major – min. GPA 3,25
• Max. 24 years old (S1)
• Good and Active in English. Additional of Hokian language is preferable.
• Have high motivation and achievement spirit
• Good communication and high interpersonal skills are essential
• Available and Commit to attend 3 - 4 months full day training on banking and finance in BINUS Jakarta, then continue on the job training in HanaBank Jakarta. And after 1 year you will have possibility to work in Hana Bank Medan.
Benefits :
• You will be exposed to global values of Banking Corporation
• Salary and other benefit will be of banker’s standard
• Good career path to become a banker / branch manager in short term
• Will have banking knowledge from many expertise in international standard and practices
The Program
Selected individuals will under go an intensive 3 – 4 months full day training in BINUS University, and followed by 8 – 9 months targeted on the job training coached by our managers.
After passing the first one year participants will get permanent employment with another year retain service period
Application letter and resume with photograph can be sent to:
1ST floor – Anggrek Campus
Jl. Kebon Jeruk 27, Jakarta Barat
Ph. (021) 5345830 ext 1107-1109 or (021)33037843 Or
Send by e-mail to :
Please put note of “HanaBank” at the e-mail subject
Rabu, 12 November 2008
Administrasi & Kpl Administrasi (KlpGading/Fatmawati/Rwmangun - Min SMK)
Selasa, 11 November 2008
Marketing / Sales (SkyLinX ISP- Pria min SMU)
- Pria
- Umux Max 30 tahun
- Pendidikan SMA atau D3
- Bisa Bekerja Fulltime
- Berpengalaman dalam bidang marketing / sales ISP
- Memiliki stategic and marketing plan.
- Mengerti bidang wireless, bandwidth, dan internet
- Memiliki kendaraan motor
- Dapat mengoperasikan Computer dan mengerti Office serta tatacara pembuatan proposal dan penawaran.
- Rajin
Hubungi :
email di :
Admin & Marketing Toko Barcode Store (min SMK)
HUBUNGI : BARCODE STORE, M2M LT. IV BLOK. A/129, TELP : 021-30005215
Kamis, 06 November 2008
Kalau ada saudara / teman yang ingin bekerja untuk bagian di lapangan dengan perincian tugas : kirim barang, cek barang, tagihan (akan ditraining)
Syarat :
1. Anak Tuhan yang takut akan Tuhan
2. Jujur, loyalitas & mau belajar
3. Punya kendaraan min motor roda 2
4. Domisili sekitar Jakarta Kota, Pluit & Grogol
5. Punya waktu luang dari jam 7.30-17.00 (+/-)
6. Berjiwa marketing & siap bekerja dengan target / tantangan
Kirimkan surat lamaran segera ke :
(cantumkan data pribadi yang lengkap, foto, nama gereja lokal, no tlp / HP yang bisa dihubungi)
Yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan kami hubungi. Terima kasih
Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008
Secretary Needed (Rimaugroup/Fml max 30/D3 seketeraris/2yrs exp/Active English)
Kami group perusahaan dengan berbagai bidang usaha yang sedang
berkembang membutuhkan 1 orang sekretaris, dengan kualifikasi sbb :
- Wanita, single, usia max 30 th
- Min. D3 Sekretaris
- Pengalaman min 2 thn
- Bahasa Inggris aktif (interview in english)
Bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi spt tsb diatas dapat mengirimkan resume
ke : ishak@rimaugroup.
Thx n GBU
IT HelpDesk (Freelance/MinD3/BBDO - Latest 10 Nov)
> A worldwide advertising company BBDO INDONESIA is looking for a
> professional to join as :
> Status: Freelancer
> Requirements:
> Male or Female
> Graduated from IT major, min. Diploma III
> Experience handling PC software, hardware, server and internet,
> outlook
> Experience dealing with Macintosh will be an advantage
> English literate
> Submit your CV to HRD via e-mail to Yiska.amelia@
> Not later than November 10, 2008
Accounting Needed for BSD Area
- fresh graduate / d3
- male / female
- live around BSD / Serpong area
if u qualified pls send your CV to :
Ms Marcelina
Thank you.
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008
H&M (garment retailer) required Knitting MD
The requirement will be as follows :
*. Responsible
*. Costumer focus and commercial thinking
*. Strong follow up skill and attention to the details
*. Communicative & creative
*. Well organized
*. Problem Solver
*. Goal and result oriented
*. Able to prioritize well
*. Graduated from textile school or major in textile
*. Good commend of English in written and spoken
*. Textile/garment production experience
*. Experience : couple of years experience from buying office
If this have caught your interest, please send your CV in English with copy of your ID card to e-mail or below address, within one week after this advertisement (latest Nov 07, 2008)
liana.han@hm. com
Puls Trading Far East Ltd
Attn : Ms. Liana Han
Graha Iskandarsyah Bldg, 5th floor
Jl Iskandarsyah Raya No. 66 C
Jakarta Selatan 12160
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview
PT Kwangduk Langgeng (KBN Cakung garment need Female MD max 30 exp 2 yrs)
MD (merchandiser)
Female, max 30 years of age
Experiences min 2 years in the same field activity
Hard workers with pleasant personality
If you are interested, Please directly send the application letter + curriculum vitae + recent photograph put the position on the Subject Email to the below email address:
Thank you for your kind attention in advance.
Lowongan Security Trans TV (Min SMU, max 28thn)
Dengan Kualifikasi :
- Max. 28 thn
- Pria / Wanita
- Tinggi min. 172 cm (Pria), min. 162 cm (Wanita)
- Berat badan Proposional
Surat lamaran / Cv ditujukan ke :
Human Capital TRANS TV
PT. Televisi Transformasi Indonesia
Jl. Kapt. P. Tendean Kav. 12-14a
Surat lamaran dikirimkan ke TRANS TV
Lt. 7 , Gedung TRANS TVJl. Kapt. P. Tendean Kav. 12-14a
Paling lambat tgl. 1 November 2008
RimauGroup Bth Accounting (Fresh Grads / Pnglman min D3)
Kami perusahaan yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan 1 orang staff
akunting, dengan kualifikasi sbb :
- Pria/wanita Single, usia max 30 th
- S1 Fresh Graduated ( Prefer memiliki Pengalaman) atau D3 Pengalaman
min 2 thn
- Familiar dengan program Accounting (Zahir, Accourate, dll)
Surat Lamaran dikirim ke alamat : ishak@rimaugroup.
Terima kasih
Senin, 27 Oktober 2008
Sakes Administration PT ACER Jakarta
Kirim CV Ke HRD Manager, PT Acer Indonesia,
Wisma 46 kota BNI,15Th Floor,
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 01 ,Jakarta 10220
Co / Ce
Pengalaman 1thn
Export Marketing for Furniture Exporter (DOMUS) Latest 31/1/09
Advertised: 21-10-08 | Closing Date: 31-01-09
Export Marketing
- Female
- Good command of written and spoken English.
- Other European language will be an advantage (Italian , Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or Finnish)
- Creative, communicative , self-driven , and quick learner
- Able to work under pressure
- Able to work independent as well as a team
- Solutions/ Positive attitude - a problem solver focussed on results
- Communicator/
Persuader/ Motivator with an eye for detail
Remuneration will commensurate with qualifications and experience . Interested candidates are required to write-in with full details of resume stating experience and expected salary together with a recent passport size photograph to :
Location : Jakarta-Indonesia
Marketing multimedia (Tebet/MinD3) - 10 nov 2008
Sebuah perusahaan multimedia yang sedang berkembang, membutuhkan beberapa tenaga profesional di bidang Marketing.
Persyaratan :
- Wanita / Pria
- Pendidikan min. D3
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk berpresentasi yang baik
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Berkomitmen tinggi
- Mampu belajar dengan cepat dan mempunyai motivasi tinggi.
Kirimkan surat lamaran paling lambat tanggal 10 November 2008 beserta foto terbaru ke :
Dixie Production
Jl. Tebet Barat V No.29
Jakarta Selatan
Atau melalui E-mail ke: info@dixie-producti
New Spirit membutuhkan tenaga freelance
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini, segera kirimkan CV (Identitas diri, foto, pengalaman kerja kalau ada) bagi kamu merasa cocok & mau untuk bekerja di bagian tersebut.
Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008
IT Support & Admin Staff (Kaybee group)
1. Min -2 years experience handling Computer Programs of trading
2. Preferably tertiary education with not less than 3 years of
relevant experiences.
3. Knowledge of Computers with excellence in Client OS (Win XP, Win
98 etc…), Server OS (Win 2003, 2000, NT 4.0), Peripheral
Maintenance (Printers, Scanner, Copier), Microsoft Office (Excel,
Word, Power point, Outlook), Exchange Server (5.5, 2000, 2003),
Firewall Applications & Devices, Networking
4. Proficiency in English is must and advantage.
1. Min 2+ years experience handling accounts of trading companies
2. Conversant with the company TAX laws of Indonesia
3. Knowledge of Computers with excellence in MS office
4. Proficiency in English is must and Chinese will be added
Qualification and Experiences:
1.Male / Female min. 25 - 28 years old. .
2.Knowledge of Computer in MS Office
3.Preferable tertiary education with not less 3 years of garment
merchandising in woven and knitted garments in all categories.
4.Knowledge of Garment production process will be an added advantage.
5.Good networking relationship with supplier.
Send Applicant to Address:
Email. accounts@...
Website. www.kaybeegroup. com
Staff Accounting - urgent (kelapa gading/S1/English)
* S1 Accounting, graduated from reputable university
* Male/Female, age between 23 - 28 Years old
* Will be located in Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara
* Computer Literate
* Able to speak English oral & Written
* Able to work underpressure with minimum supervision
* Mature, smartworker, willing to learn and responsible
Berminat: please send your newest CV to liani@kapanlagi.
Cepetan ya guys. Karena wawancara akan dilakukan hari Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008
oleh Head Finance-nya.
Staff EXIM manufaktur kimia (jakbar,syarat S1 max 32 thn)
dengan syarat2 :
-pria/wanita max 32 th
-pendidikan min.S1
-menguasai komputer Windows ( Excel & Ms Word )& Internet
-Lancar Berbahasa inggris, mandarin merupakan nilai tambah.
-berpengalaman sebagai EXIM min 2 th
lamaran dan CV dikirim paling lambat tanggal 31 oktober 2008
PT.Kawaguchi kimia indonesia
JL.Hayam Wuruk No.44 Lt. II / 2 B
Jakarta Barat
atau Email Ke. HRD.kawamia@
Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008
Designer for Pasar Raya
untuk print ad dan TVC untuk reguler dan image.
Pelamar diharapkan menguasai :
Flash,Photoshop, Illustror /Corel Draw/Freehand, 3Dmax,Dreamweave r
Silakan kirim cv&porto ASAP ke :
hesty.yemima@ pasaraya.
Junior Web Programmer (
* Menguasai PHP & MySQL
* CSS, Javascript, HTML
* Pernah membuat CMS dengan PHP
* Pria/Wanita min. D3
* Jujur, bekerja keras, teliti
* Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Dapat bekerja secara individual
* Dapat menggunakan Google sebagai alat bantu untuk belajar
* Mempunyai kemauan untuk belajar hal baru
Silahkan kirimkan cv,portfolio dan contoh web yang pernah dikerjakan ke mail@dewanstudio. com
dengan subjek lamaran web programer
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008
Bimbel memerlukan Operational & Marketing Officer
staff untuk posisi operasional & Marketing Officer
Pengalaman min 1 tahun
Menyukai dunia pendidikan
Menyukai tantangan
Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan
berlokasi di BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai) lebih baik
info: kirimkan cv ke email;:recruitmen_bta@
Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008
Marketing Expor Impor PT . AGS
perusahaan jasa expor impor membutuhkan seorang marketing dengan kriteria berikut :
- Wanita min D3
- berumur max 30 thn
- single preffered
- berpenampilan menarik
- mempunyai kecakapan dalam berkomunikasi verbal
Lamaran bisa ditujukan ke /
Sdr Willy ( 021- 92924698)
· Develop guideline and manual rapid technical assessment (RTA) of the existing sanitation in participating in urban sites and provide necessary input and support to all CF’s (Community Facilitator) when requested. The guideline should include a strategy for appropriate re-new able energy management practices.
· Develop training and design guide line and manual for improved urban water & sanitation facilities. The guide line have include rational for determining public and private component of the improved sanitation system and their associated cost
· Provide input to the analysis of water & sanitation system and suggest remedial measures as necessary. Developed guide line and manual for water & sanitation approaches with considering the guideline already develop in previous and current project with close coordination with the project (SWASH and GKDP) in the area. In cooperation with Behavior Change (BC) Officer review the experiences of past and current CARE project regarding water & sanitation system. Compare their effectiveness, cost and suitability for urban settlements.
· Develop as set of technical options and their associated cost and management implication (including operation cost and maintenance requirements) for improved water & sanitation system in urban area based on the available space/area.
· Assist each CF’s (Community Facilitator) to select technically. Managerial and financially feasible option for improved water & sanitation system for each participating urban site. These options will be presented by CF’s to the community to assist theme to make informed choices.
· In-co-operation with Behavior Change (BC) Officer develop a set of technical option and their associated cost and management implication (including operating cost and maintenance requirement) for house hold and institutional water & sanitation facilities.
· Provide necessary technical input into development of a community Action Plan, component preparation of detail design drawing, and cost for non standard component of the improved water & sanitation system.
· Develop guide line for O&M plan (preventive maintenance and regular maintenance task, their frequency and man power requirements) and associated cost for improved water & sanitation facilities.
· Develop guideline and manual for preparation of construction methods, schedule and labor management plan (includes identification of skilled personal and, if necessary, small contractors) for improved water & sanitation facilities based on community in preparation of the construct the improved system. Assist CF’s (Community Facilitator) as required and facilitating the community in preparation of the construction management plan
· Develop guidelines and manual for construction supervision and quality control
· Develop guidelines and manual for preparation of Bill of Quantity and standard and specification for construction materials and facilities components for improved sanitation system
· Develop guidelines and manual for monitoring construction activities
· Develop guidelines and manual for environmental impact assessment of the improved water & sanitation facilities and/ or prepare TOR for environmental assessment if consultant is required. Assist in the selecting consultant(s) if required and facilitate their work. Review and comment of the CF’s (community Facilitator) and/or Consultant report. Make sure that the suggested remedial measures are technically, financially, and culturally appropriate
· Provide technical advice and recommendation to urban CF’s during all stages of the project implementation as required
· Participate in development of management information system for KOTA project
· Participate in data analysis and provide the necessary feedback into project process
· Continuously monitor the work of teams and make appropriate recommendations for change in approach, strategy, new project material, new technology, training etc.
· Provide input to PM (Project Manager) for preparation of project reports and work plan(s)
· Assist in preparation of training modules, identification of resources and training material
· Participate in facilitating KOTA staff (CARE and partner NGO staff and GOI), and community training workshop as required
· Assist in developing guidelines for technical session during the pre-implementation training workshop for KOTA staff.. Assist in locating a resources person(s) if required and preparation of training modules
· Develop a training program for KOTA staff on design, construction management, O & M and environmental issues through the project based on staff capacity as assessed during the KOTA project workshop
· S1 graduated in Environmental Engineering or other related fields
· At least 3 years experience working with international and local non government organizations
· Familiarity with community participatory approaches
· Proven good ability as a Facilitator
· Facility with Excel and Word
· Demonstrated capacity to work as a team member
· Excellent interpersonal skills
CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae (not more than 200KB), with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address).Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code in the email subject.
Please submit your applications before 19 October 2008 to
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit to:
“Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted”
The CF is the community-level contact point person for all project activities. The CF will conduct the following activities:
· Facilitate and assist community organization to manage WSS and health and hygiene education, reflecting gender equity and poverty targeting principles.
· Build community capacity and assist community in developing the Community Action Plan (CAP), constructing WSS facilities selected by the community, and managing the O&M of the improved WSS facilities. This will include the following:
Ø Implement RTA. Melaksanakan Kajian Teknis Cepat (KTC-RTA)
Ø Assist in building community capacity in preparing CAP, project planning and implementation using the MPA/PHAST methodologies.
Ø Assist community identifying their health problems and water borne diseases and develop strategies to solve those problems using PHAST methodology.
Ø Conduct technical survey and prepare the DED and cost estimate for WSS infrastructure development.
Ø Assist community organization in mobilizing contributions.
Ø Provide on the job training to community members and assist in supervising construction of WSS facilities through community self-help.
Ø Train and guide in managing the sanitation revolving funds.
Ø Facilitate and assist the community in participatory self-monitoring during the project and post construction periods.
· Act as liaison between VWSC, LPMs and KcCT.
· Submit monthly progress reports to DC.
· Address complaints and questions about the project and help ensure transparency in all project implementation and decision making.
· S1 graduated in Civil Engineering
· At least 3 years experience working with international and local non government organizations
· Familiarity with community level participatory approaches
· Proven good ability as a Facilitator
· Facility with Excel and Word
· Demonstrated capacity to work as a team member
· Excellent interpersonal skills
This position will be based in South Sulawesi(Maros, Sinjai, Bonebolango – Gorontalo).CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas.
Please submit your applications before 16 October 2008 to
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:
“Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted”