Di butuhkan Segera Karyawan/Wati Yang Berpengalaman untuk di Tempatkan di Bagian :
Sample Room : - 3 Orang Patern Marker
- 15 Orang Jahit Sample
MD : - 3 Orang Administrasi MD Pendidikan Maximal D3
Sewing/ Jahit : - 3 Orang Supervisor Sewing/Jahit
Driver : 2 Orang Driver
Datang Langsung membawa CV Lengkap Bertemu dengan PERSONALIA ke :
PT. Sandrafine Garment
Jl Raya Pasar Kemis (Prabu Siliwangi) KM I,
Kel Keroncong Kec Jatiuwung
Kota Tangerang 15134 Banten
Selasa, 28 Juli 2009
Jumat, 24 Juli 2009
Dicari Karyawan / ti - daerah glodok
Info Dicari: karyawati min sma/d1, mampu MS office,teliti,jujur,kerja dibawah tekanan,domisili glodok,penampilan menarik. Kirim lamaran ke toko "Italy", pasar HWI - lindeteves. lt. dasar blok C40-41, jl. Hayam wuruk. Jkt
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009
Penjaga Counter Franchise Mrtbk mini needed
Penjaga counter franchise martabak mini needed
- wanita
- pendidikan smu / sederajat
- domisili area jakrta barat / ciledug/ serpong dsktrnya
- bersedia ditraining
kirimkan cv anda ke shanti@humaco.net
- wanita
- pendidikan smu / sederajat
- domisili area jakrta barat / ciledug/ serpong dsktrnya
- bersedia ditraining
kirimkan cv anda ke shanti@humaco.net
Selasa, 14 Juli 2009
Accounting di PMA Sukabumi
We are PMA garment company based in Sukabumi, would like to invite a qualified and professional person to join our team in the position of :
- Male / Female
- Max age : 40 years old
- S1 degree in Accounting from a reputable university, with minimum GPA of 2,75
- Minimum 5 years experience in accounting and strong taxation, with minimum 2 years in senior accountant level.
- Experience in overall / handling accounting and finance activities
- Having garment industry experience is advantage.
- Fluent in english both oral and written
If you are interested and suit the requirement above, kindly send recent CV & photograph and salary expectation to hrd@dasanpacific.co.id .
- Male / Female
- Max age : 40 years old
- S1 degree in Accounting from a reputable university, with minimum GPA of 2,75
- Minimum 5 years experience in accounting and strong taxation, with minimum 2 years in senior accountant level.
- Experience in overall / handling accounting and finance activities
- Having garment industry experience is advantage.
- Fluent in english both oral and written
If you are interested and suit the requirement above, kindly send recent CV & photograph and salary expectation to hrd@dasanpacific.
Kerja di Sukabumi
Urgent - Seketaris Gereja (Simprug Golf Jaksel)
Saya mau minta tolong kalau di gereja kalian ada orang yang bisa lamar di lowongan di bawah.(URGENT!)
Job : Sekretaris Gereja(Jl.Simpruk Golf Senayan Jakarta Selatan) harus orang kristen yang sejati.
Pendidikan : Di atas D1(kalo orangnya pintar bahkan SMA pun boleh)
Skills diperlukan : Bisa operasikan komputer dan berbahasa Inggris(gak usah fasih tapi bisa), kerjaannya sangat sederhana.
Orangnya rapih dan sopan.
Hari kerja : Selasa - Sabtu ---- Fullday (08:30 - 17:00)
Minggu ---- Libur
Senin ---- Setengah hari(13:00 - 17:00)
Fasilitas : Kalo mau tempat tinggal(kamar kosong) di dalam gereja diberikan.
Ibu Juli
Ibu Juli
Looking for Female Translator
Lookings For: Women Translator
Temporary Periods 16-26 july'09, Must be:
1. Fluently in English
2. Hospitality>,,,
3. Good looking(Compliment)
Contact :
Bpk Marcel
021 7292111
Temporary Periods 16-26 july'09, Must be:
1. Fluently in English
2. Hospitality>,,,
3. Good looking(Compliment)
Contact :
Bpk Marcel
021 7292111
Senin, 06 Juli 2009
Assistant MD/Purchaser - SMA/D3/FreshGrads Female 23-30 yrs
Our fty; one of leading export KNITTING fty in West Java is looking for :
- PURCHASER (1 person)
Applicants should meet below requirements:
- SMA or D3; however S1 graduate also welcome to apply.
- female 23 - 30 yrs.
- experience 2-3 yrs in garment business will be advantage.
- fresh graduate with GPA min 2.85 also encourage to apply.
- English passive is a must.
- computer literated.
- meticulous person.
- willing to learn and able to work under pressure; with flexible working time.
Pls. send your CV, Recent Photos, Application, and Resume to anggi_2th@yahoo.com
- PURCHASER (1 person)
Applicants should meet below requirements:
- SMA or D3; however S1 graduate also welcome to apply.
- female 23 - 30 yrs.
- experience 2-3 yrs in garment business will be advantage.
- fresh graduate with GPA min 2.85 also encourage to apply.
- English passive is a must.
- computer literated.
- meticulous person.
- willing to learn and able to work under pressure; with flexible working time.
Pls. send your CV, Recent Photos, Application, and Resume to anggi_2th@yahoo.
Kerja di Jawa Barat
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Accounting/Secretary Needed
We're an establish garment company were looking forward qualifed person to fullfill below position :
.. Accounting
.. Secretary
.. QC / QA
.. Marketing
.. Exim
Qualification needed was : at least having 2 years working experience (for no 3,4,5 must have an experience in garment field)
If anyone of u has interested please come to :
Jl. Raya serang Km.12 No. 46 bitung Jaya
Cikupa Tangerang
or send email to : anto@inwoo.co.id , lia@inwoo.co.id and susihrdinwoo@yahoo.com
.. Accounting
.. Secretary
.. QC / QA
.. Marketing
.. Exim
Qualification needed was : at least having 2 years working experience (for no 3,4,5 must have an experience in garment field)
If anyone of u has interested please come to :
Jl. Raya serang Km.12 No. 46 bitung Jaya
Cikupa Tangerang
or send email to : anto@inwoo.co.id , lia@inwoo.co.id and susihrdinwoo@yahoo.com
Kerja di Tanggerang
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
Furniture Admin / MD - Jakbar / cw/excel
We are buying agent for USA and South America countries, located at West Jakarta,
looking for Furniture and Handicraft MD immediatelly with following requirement :
1. Female 25-35 years old
2. Experience as Furniture and Handicraft MD at least 3 years
3. Hardworker, willing to have trip for sourcing and inspection, agresive and independent
4. Familiar with computer especialy in microsoft office ( excel )
Send your CV via email : sisca@atlantis01.com with HP number and photos.
looking for Furniture and Handicraft MD immediatelly with following requirement :
1. Female 25-35 years old
2. Experience as Furniture and Handicraft MD at least 3 years
3. Hardworker, willing to have trip for sourcing and inspection, agresive and independent
4. Familiar with computer especialy in microsoft office ( excel )
Send your CV via email : sisca@atlantis01.com with HP number and photos.
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